… And our recommended natural beauty products to prevent blackheads.

MYTH 1: All those dots on my T-Zone are blackheads.
Chance are you don’t have blackheads but oil glands (sebaceous glands). These oil glands supply pores with oil, and yes everyone has them. The oil produced from these oil glands are sebum. They keep oil flowing, so your skin can maintain its natural moisture. Yet, the excess oil builds up along with dead skin cells, dirt and bacteria would clog the skin and turn sebaceous filaments into blackheads and pimples.
MYTH 2: If I just scrub more often, they’ll be cleared out.
If you have oily or acne-prone skin, rough scrubs can make acne more inflamed. To get the best results, choose scrubs/exfoliators that are made of natural gentle acids like glycolic, lactic and salicylic acid. They work to remove dead skin cell and dissolve oil.
Blackheads are caused by too much oil.
Yes and no, the cause of blackhead is a combination of excess oil with dead skin cells and dirt. People who have oily skin are more vulnerable to blackheads and acne — still anyone can get them. I can’t stress enough that removing dead skin cell is so essential in a skincare routine, and exfoliating is a critical step to slough away dead skin cells.
MYTH 4: Junk food causes blackheads.
Yes and no, frequently eating unhealthy fast food and high-sugar desserts can mess with your hormones. Hormones play a huge role and lead to the production of too much sebum, impacting the formation of blackheads. In fact, some positive foods can be anti-acne, and fiber seems to help reduce acne. Try apples, carrots and oatmeal.
MYTH 5: Wearing makeup will clog pores.
Not all beauty products will trigger the formation of a comedone. Opt for sheer, water-based, non-comedogenic and fragrance-free cosmetics or foundation may help you avoid potential breakouts. Here are some of the pore-clogging ingredients you should avoid: lanolin, carrageenan, sodium laureth sulfate, palm oil, coconut oil and wheat germ.