K11 Natural 201 舖 8–9號, November 20–21, 2021
12PM – 8:30PM (Sat–Sun)
《B’IN Select × The Organic Store Pop Up》Design like skincare is not just an expression of beauty, but a way to love life naturally. This coming weekend we’re hosting a pop-up at B’IN Select K11 Art Mall. We’ll welcome you with a collection of nourishing skincare buys for the autumn, as well as our latest trending fall/winter nail polish colors and end-of-season clearance items. Come and shop with us!
護膚同設計一樣,不單止係一種追求美嘅表達,更係一種熱愛自然嘅生活方式。今個週末,我哋會喺K11 Art Mall 嘅 B’IN Select 生活選物店擺攤。快嚟選購一系列秋季天然護膚品,仲有我哋最受歡迎嘅秋冬指甲油顏色同夏季末特價護膚品啦!
對成份天然、100%純素、無動物測試、無毒的天然護膚品感興趣的,今次不要再錯過了!約定你本週末K11見 💕