歡迎光臨麥田捕手 • 假日市集 (週末3月27至28日)

In this new year, have you ever thought about taking on a more natural and eco-friendly lifestyle? On March 27–28, we will join the Weekend Green Fair hosted by the Dream Catcher Market to bring sustainable and natural skincare products to Mira Place in Tsim Sha Tsui and promote affordable clean beauty and green lifestyle. Come by our stand and have a look — we look forward to seeing you there!
📆 March 27–28, 2021
⏱ 12 PM – 8PM
📌 Mira Place B1 Atrium, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
在新的一年裡,有否諗過為自己嘅生活添上更多天然、綠色元素呢? 我們將會在3月27日至3月28日於尖沙咀美麗華廣場,與本地的麥田捕手假日市集將有機、環保及天然護膚產品帶給大家,推廣綠色元素新體驗,希望到時見到大家!
📆 3月27日至3月28日
⏱ 中午12時至晚上8時
📌 尖沙咀美麗華廣場B1/F中庭