Manucurist Green Flash™ LED 光療Gel甲油 15ml – 深紫色
漫步聖誕市集,手捧熱飲,指尖一抹深紫,讓妳成為人群中最耀眼的焦點。Manucurist 的 Green Flash™ Aubergine LED 大膽深紫色光療Gel甲油,非常適合聖誕冬日氣氛。享受專業級的塗抹、快速簡便的去除,以及長達10天的閃亮光澤。此外,它的配方不含12種有害成分,可實現更健康的修指甲。
不含:鄰苯二甲酸酯(包括鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯 (DBP)、鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯 (DEHP))、甲苯(也稱為甲苯)、二甲苯、樟腦、甲醛、甲醛樹脂、乙基甲苯磺醯胺、磷酸三苯酯、松香、苯酮、對羥基苯甲酸酯、動物源性成分。
Step 1: Prepare the Nail
Remove any oils using Green Flash Nail Polish Remover.
Step 2: Base Coat
Apply Green Flash Base Coat, ensuring you cap the edge of the nail.
Cure under the Green Flash 24W LED Lamp for 1 minute.
Step 3: Color
Apply your favorite Green Flash color, remembering to cap the edge.
Cure under the Green Flash 24W LED Lamp for 1 minute. Repeat this step to apply a second thin coat of color and cure under the lamp for 1 more minute.
Step 4: Top Coat
Apply Green Flash Top Coat, again capping the edge.
Cure under the Green Flash 24W LED Lamp for 2 minutes.